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New Perspectives on the APAC Quantum Computing Market

By Quantum posted 03 Apr 2020

Inside Quantum Technology is revising its projections for worldwide quantum computer (hardware) sales.  In this iteration of our forecasting work we place more emphasis on regional activity. The infographic that accompanies this blog shows our latest estimates for the APAC countries.

  • We think revenues from quantum computing hardware sold in the APAC region will be about $40 million in 2020 but will take off to reach about $250 million in 2025.  By the end of our forecasting period in 2029, we think the APAC market for quantum computer hardware will be quite substantial – over $800 million.
  • Most of these revenues will come from two countries – Japan and China – which are expected to track each other quite closely in terms of revenues throughout our forecast period.  By 2025, Inside Quantum Technology believes that the value of quantum computing hardware sold to Japanese customers will reach almost $95 million, and the equivalent number for China will be just under $120 million
  • The Chinese and Japanese quantum computer markets couldn’t be more different.  The Chinese quantum effort is strongly oriented towards military applications, while the Japanese actually have legal restrictions on what they can do militarily dating back to WWII.  Based on our recent discussions with both Japanese and Chinese vendors, we think that both countries are somewhat behind North America technically, but not by much.
  • Oceania may represent an opportunity for selling quantum computing systems in the near future.  But this opportunity quantum computing hardware to sell to Australia and New Zealand is constrained by the small size of the country and the low number of potential quantum computer users in these countries.  Cloud access to significantly remote machines may offer a better choice.

Inside Quantum Technology is building the first forecasting model of the quantum technology market covering quantum computing, quantum cryptography and quantum sensors.

Lawrence Gasman

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