Inside Quantum Technology

A closer look at IBM’s new 10-year quantum roadmap

Jay Gambetta, IBM Fellow, Vice President of IBM Quantum, on-stage at the IBM Quantum Summit, presenting the company's new 10-year quantum roadmap. (Source: IBM)

IBM had so much to offer in its latest batch of announcements from its annual IBM Quantum Summit that it will take a while to unpack everything. Our latest story for subscribers of IQT PRO takes a little bit deeper dive into the company’s new 10-year roadmap, which outlines a path from focusing on qubit quantity and error mitigation to zeroing in on qubit quality and error correction.

Image caption: Jay Gambetta, IBM Fellow, Vice President of IBM Quantum, on-stage at the IBM Quantum Summit, presenting the company’s new 10-year quantum roadmap. (Source: IBM)

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