Inside Quantum Technology

Arrays of Strontium Rydberg Atoms Show Promise for Use in Quantum Computers

( A team of researchers at California Institute of Technology has found that arrays of strontium Rydberg atoms show promise for use in a quantum computer. In their paper published in the journal Nature Physics, the researchers describe their study of quantum entangled alkaline-earth Rydberg atoms arranged in arrays and what they learned about them.
In their work, the team at CIT developed a way to demonstrate entanglement of Rydberg atoms in arrays—and as part of the system, they were able to detect and control Rydberg qubits with unprecedented fidelities.
The result showed that fidelities higher than 0.99 could be achieved with single- and two-qubit platforms of arrayed strontium Rydberg atoms, which, the team notes, is close to that achieved with superconducting qubits or trapped ions. It also shows that studying quantum computers based on neutral atoms is a viable research option in the search for a true quantum computer solution.

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