(Europa.EU) QuantERA Consortium is pleased to announce the Call for Proposals in Quantum Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies: QuantERA Co-funded Call 2021.
QuantERA II ERA-NET Cofund in Quantum Technologies (QT) is a consortium of national and regional Research Funding Organisations supporting QT research. QuantERA II is supported by the EU Future and Emerging Technologies programme (FET). The funding organisations of QuantERA II jointly support European multilateral research projects with the potential to initiate or foster new lines of QT through collaborations exploring advanced multidisciplinary science and/or cutting-edge engineering.
The submitted proposals are expected to be aligned with one of the two QuantERA cofunded call 2021 topics:
1. Quantum Phenomena and Resources (QPR);
2. Applied Quantum Science (AQS).
The funded projects in both topics are expected to address one or more of the following areas:
1. Quantum communication;
2. Quantum simulation;
3. Quantum computation;
4. Quantum information sciences;
5. Quantum metrology sensing and imaging.
The project consortia must involve a minimum of 3 eligible partners requesting funding in at least 3 of the following participating countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey.
Indicative timeline:
Deadline for outline proposals: May 13th, 2021, 17.00 CET
Deadline for full proposals (for invited applicants): September 15th, 2021, 17.00 CET
Call results: December 2021
Earliest funded project start: January/February 2022
QuantERA Coordinator: National Science Centre (NCN), Poland Coordination Office, e-mail: QuantERA@ncn.gov.pl