Inside Quantum Technology

Disruptions Made Early: How Kvantify is Building Quantum-Ready Solutions for Quantum Advantage from Day One

Disruptions Made Early: How Kvantify is Building Quantum-Ready Solutions for Quantum Advantage from Day One.

Although quantum-inspired computing does not aspire to true quantum advantage, it does hold promises as an enabler for building quantum-ready solutions poised to reap first-mover advantages once true quantum advantage becomes available.

As you can hear in our keynote for the “Quantum Inspired Computing” session at IQT Nordics, we argue that such first-mover advantages are significant: Not only can it be exceedingly difficult to identify the disruptive applications of quantum computing, but maturing such use cases can be more time-consuming than traditional HPC solutions because they often span multiple domains of expertise and may require organizational restructuring to anchor in an organization.

The necessary time investment for the maturation of quantum solutions is a key motivation for the modus operandi at Kvantify: We work with industry partners to identify, mature, and develop disruptive quantum computing use cases. Already today, we are paving the way by providing cutting-edge, classical HPC-driven solutions that can be tested and integrated into the organization, primed for a seamless transition towards genuine quantum superiority when the next-gen hardware becomes available.

Technical example:

As an example of this methodology, we present our joint work with Amadeus which was recently presented at the 2023 AGIFORS Revenue Management Study Group meeting. Here we have developed a classical algorithm inspired by adaptive Grover search, that lets us address the problem of fare optimization for choice-based demand models: On classical hardware, this only scales to small networks, but with quantum hardware realistic airline network sizes would be accessible.

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