Inside Quantum Technology

IBM CEO Interview: Quantum Computing Priority is Materials, Chemicals:

( In this video, CNBC’s Jon Fortt is interviewing IBM CEO Ginni Rometty at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. Fortt asks when IBM Q System One, the world’s first integrated universal approximate quantum computing system designed for scientific and commercial use that was introduced at CES, will bring in revenue.
Rometty responded she believes that quantum computing will bring in revenue within two-five year time frame. She explained that IBM has conducted over seven million experiments already with quantum computers. “Real quantum systems means that human can interact, can manage and monitor–and we are in the middle of that.”
Rometty also explained that IBM is working with the largest network of companies and the national labs in its quantum computing program. She stated the first market will be materials and chemicals, then logistics and risk management. She stressed that quantum will not replace every kind of computing but it is for a certain kind of problem and that “chemistry and drug discovery at the top.”
IBM also announced a partnership with ExxonMobil during CES and Rometty said you see “ExxonMobil chomping at the bit to get in there. . ”
Rometty only briefly addressed Fortt’s question about China and said the Chinese account for only 2% of IBM’s revenue and that her company is not a good barometer for the Chinese market.

Click here to see IBM’s announcement about the Q System 1 at CES.

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