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ID Quantique Discusses: How Will Quantum Technology Change Digital Technology?

By IQT News posted 21 Dec 2020

(IDQuantiqueBlog) Quantum computing has the power to change everything we take for granted in our digital world. Today’s super processors would be eclipsed by the processing power of quantum computers. This could also pose serious risks for industries where digital communications and digital transactions are secured by cryptography.
Speaking on a panel at this October’s virtual Inside Quantum Technology Europe 2020 conference, ID Quantique’s Bruno Huttner stated, “The quantum threat is basically going to destroy the security of networks as we know them today”. The panel explored how existing and emerging quantum technologies could be employed to secure data from cybersecurity threats prevalent today and in the quantum era.
Huttner says that there are two potential means to address the quantum threat: “One is basically using classical [means], with new mathematical algorithms. The other is to fight quantum with quantum, and that’s what we at ID Quantique are doing.”
Real world applications will drive quantum technology development. ID Quantique’s QRNG chipset is already used in smartphones, including the Samsung Galaxy A Quantum and the VinSmart Aris Pro.
Even though universal Quantum Computing has not been reached yet, quantum technology does have several applications in the market today. We already saw QKD above. Another one is Quantum Random Number Generation (QRNG) which can be applied in a microchip such as ID Quantique’s Quantis QRNG chip.
Smartphones contain a wealth of vulnerable personal data, so the application of QRNG represents a significant step forward, allowing individual consumers to enjoy the benefits of quantum security technologies in their everyday lives. QRNG chips have a wide range of applications for data security in telecommunications, IoT, automotive V2X and banking, to name just a few.

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