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IISER, C-DAC join hands to develop Quantum Technology solutions

By IQT News posted 24 Feb 2022

(IndianExpress) INDIAN INSTITUE of Science Education and Research (IISER) Pune and Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) will jointly work on developing hardware and software solutions using Quantum Technologies.
An MoU in the regard was inked between I-Hub Quantum Technology Foundation (I-Hub QTF) — a section-8 company operating at IISER Pune — and C-DAC on Tuesday. This is part of the several ongoing efforts under the National Quantum Technologies initiative launched by the Centre two years ago.
“We will be developing underlying agile hardware and software for implementation on various Quantum Computing platforms and the same will be put on a cloud for larger use,” said Umakant Rapol, project director of I-HUB QTF and associate professor at the Department of Physics at IISER, Pune.

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