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India’s Additional Investment in Quantum Tech in ‘Perfect Time’ to Attract Additional Funding from Companies Like IBM & Google

By IQT News posted 04 Feb 2020

(EconomicTimes.IndiaTimes) India’s plan to invest Rs 8,000 crore over the next five years in the National Misssion on Quantum technology and its applications comes at a time when the world is making bets on the emerging field.
“We are right in time for Quantum investment – Most quantum investments are in the US, we are in perfect time because companies like IBM and Google are going to be investing a ton of money and infrastructure assets towards Asia, countries like Japan and Singapore,” said Sanchit Vir Gogia, chief analyst and CEO at Greyhound Research. “if India has a feasible enablement for quantum we are in perfect time.”
India’s department of science has a national mission on Quantum Technologies and Applications, which is collaborating with institutions and companies to build homegrown capablity in quantum technologies.

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