IQM Finland Aims to Create Scalable General-Purpose Quantum Computer

(ComputerWeekly) IQM Finland, a university spin-off is attempting to take quantum computing capabilities to multiple business sectors with its ambitious plan to build the world’s first scalable general-purpose quantum computer after capturing initial investment seed capital of €11.5m earlier this year.
IQM Finland’s Aim to Accelerate Speed of Quantum Processors
The Aalto University spin-out’s quantum computer project involves the development of second-generation quantum processors, based on proprietary technology, for large-scale and fault-tolerant quantum computing. The aim is to significantly accelerate the speed of quantum processors.
Mikko Möttönen, co-founder and chief scientist at IQM, said: “Although a quantum computer doesn’t really calculate faster than normal computers, it solves problems in a completely different way. In some instances, it will be possible to solve problems that would be impossible for a normal computer to solve.”