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Japan proposes first domestic quantum computer use by March 2023

By Sandra Helsel posted 11 Apr 2022

(JapanTimes.co) The Japanese government intends to enter the global quantum computing race by putting its first domestically produced quantum computer into service within the current fiscal year ending March 2023. IQT-News shares the news announcement below.
This news comes after the ruling Liberal Democratic Party submitted proposals on March 24 to expand investment in quantum computing and other new technologies such as artificial intelligence.The new strategy includes plans to establish four quantum research centers across the country, and could be finalized later this month, the source said. There are several proposed bases for quantum computing research — places to bolster the country’s competitive edge and cultivate a workforce adept with the technology. The places proposed are Tohoku University, the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology and the National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology.
The government strategy aims to reach 10 million quantum technology users in Japan by 2030 and to create an environment where it can be used in such varied fields as medicine, banking and new materials development.

Sandra K. Helsel, Ph.D. has been researching and reporting on frontier technologies since 1990.  She has her Ph.D. from the University of Arizona.

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