Inside Quantum Technology

John Prisco; President and Chief Executive Officer, Safe Quantum Incorporated; will speak at IQT NYC 2023

John Prisco; President and Chief Executive Officer, Safe Quantum Incorporated; will speak at IQT NYC 2023.

Panel 3.1: The Case for Quantum Cybersecurity in the Enterprise

Throughout his 30-year career, John Prisco has demonstrated success driving revenue growth, implementing operational excellence, and bringing companies such as Triumfant, Penn Access, GeoVantage and Ridgeway Systems to successful exits. His depth of experience in telecommunications, cybersecurity and quantum physics are ideally suited to lead Quantum Xchange and its customers, partners, investors, and employees through the emerging era of quantum computing and the future of secure key exchange and encryption. His consulting work for Toshiba in Japan, Europe and the United States is a logical progression from his collaboration with Toshiba when he was CEO of Quantum Xchange.
Prisco established a track record of success in the high-tech field first by founding Penn Access, a competitive local access carrier operating in Pittsburgh. Prisco also served as President and CEO of 2nd Century Communications, the nation’s first packet-based CLEC operating in 33 of the largest U.S. metropolitan areas. In 2001, Prisco became CEO of eLink Communications, a BLEC with over 300 multi-tenant buildings operating in New York City. In 2003, he became President and CEO of Ridgeway Systems & Software, a U.K.-based software company specializing in secure firewall traversal and acquired by Tandberg Incorporated in 2004. Prisco served as President and CEO of GeoVantage Inc., a location-based services aerial imaging company sold to John Deere at the end of 2005. Prior to joining Quantum Xchange, Prisco was CEO of Triumfant for 11 years. Triumfant was the first cybersecurity company to perfect anomaly detection techniques to detect and remediate advanced threats such as file-less attacks in memory. Recently Prisco signed a consulting agreement to represent Toshiba in the United States and Europe in their quantum key and quantum internet business areas.
Prisco holds a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Columbia University and a Master of Science in the field of Quantum Optics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Click here for IQT NYC 2023

IQT New York 2023 is devoted to three days of coverage of quantum cybersecurity, quantum networking and quantum sensors. This must-attend event will be held October 24-26 at the Conference Center in New York City with a new sky-level exhibition space overlooking the Hudson River and the Intrepid Aircraft Carrier.
IQT New York is a 100% in-person only conference, offering 30+ sessions and 100+ speakers, and is New York’s quantum event. In addition to our usual topics, IQT New York 2023 will feature panels on the hottest areas in quantum such as Quantum AI, QKD-over-Satellite, Quantum Sensing in Healthcare, and the Emergence of the Quantum Internet. There will also be a new session on the Manufacturing of Quantum Systems.
Attendees at IQT New York 2023 will leave the event with the deepest understanding of the future of quantum technology. This conference brings together corporate management, entrepreneurs, end users, technology providers, infrastructure partners, researchers and investors who are looking for business opportunities in the quantum ecosystem. IQT New York 2023 takes place October 24-26 at The Conference Center, 636 11th Ave. (between 46th & 47th St.) in New York City.

Sandra K. Helsel, Ph.D. has been researching and reporting on frontier technologies since 1990.  She has her Ph.D. from the University of Arizona.


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