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LG CNS and Fujitsu to develop quantum technology for solving industrial challenges

By IQT News posted 20 Dec 2021

(KoreaTimes) LG CNS announced on December 9 that it recently signed an MOU with Fujitsu Korea to develop a “Quantum-Inspired Digital Annealer”-based mathematical optimization algorithm.
Through this agreement, the two companies will jointly develop a Quantum-Inspired Digital Annealer-based mathematical optimization algorithm.
Through the development, the two companies decided to cooperate in solving difficulties in various industries such as transportation, finance and pharmaceutical/chemical.
LG CNS has mathematical optimization algorithms that have been verified through various projects such as battery manufacturing process control, logistics center facility operation, and delivery vehicle route.
In large cities, there are many variables such as millions of vehicles and tens of thousands of signals, making it difficult to integrate and control traffic signal systems even with existing supercomputers and secure optimal values ​​for relieving traffic jams.
However, by combining Quantum-Inspired Digital Annealer technology with mathematical optimization, it is possible to derive an optimal traffic signal system that resolves traffic jams in large cities in real time.

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