Inside Quantum Technology

Lubjana Beshaj, Research Scientist, Army Cyber Institute & Associate Professor, West Point; will speak at IQT Quantum + AI in NYC Oct 29-30

Lubjana Beshaj.  Research Scientist, Army Cyber Institute & Associate Professor, West Point; will speak on Panel 5: Quantum AI and Cybersecurity at IQT Quantum + AI in NYC Oct 29-30.
Lubjana Beshaj is a research scientist at Army Cyber Institute and an Associate Professor at West Point. Her research interests are cryptography and emerging technologies. More specifically, algebraic curve cryptography, post quantum cryptography, homomorphic encryption, quantum stabilizer codes, blockchain technologies, and neural network cryptography.

IQT’s first QUANTUM + AI conference and exhibition covering the coming revolution of combining quantum computing with Artificial Intelligence (AI). QUANTUM + AI takes place October 29-30, 2024, in New York City.
Quantum computing and AI are highly synergistic. Quantum computing having the potential to significantly enhance AI capabilities. Quantum AI combines the power of quantum computing with AI to create new algorithms, machine learning techniques, search procedure and data processing techniques that are impossible to achieve with classical computers.
The Quantum + AI Summit will feature a dynamic lineup of speakers and networking opportunities. Our agenda will be meticulously curated to address the most pressing challenges and opportunities facing quantum computing in the AI age today, as well as showcase behind-the-scenes look at applications and platforms being constructed.

Click here for details: IQT Quantum+AI in NYC, October 29-30





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