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Marcin Detyniecki, Group Chief Data Scientist & Head of AI Research and Thought Leadership, AXA; Has Agreed to Speak on “Where Are the Real Applications for Quantum Computing in Banking and Financial Services?” at 1:35 on May 19 at IQT-NYC

By IQT News posted 18 May 2021

(IQT-NYC) Marcin Detyniecki, Group Chief Data Scientist & Head of AI Research and Thought Leadership, AXA; has agreed to speak on Panel 1 at 1:35 PM on May 19: “Where are the real applications for quantum computing in banking and financial services?”
Marcin Detyniecki is Group Chief Data Scientist & Head of AI Research and Thought Leadership at insurance global leader AXA. He leverages his expertise to help AXA deliver value and overcome AI and ML-related business challenges and enable the group achieve its transformation as a tech-led company. He leads the artificial intelligence R&D activity at group level. His team works on setting a framework enabling fair, safe and explainable ML to deliver value.
Marcin is also active in several think and do tanks, including a role of vice-president and board member of Impact AI, member of the Consultative Expert Group on Digital Ethics in Insurance for EIOPA and technical expert at Institut Montaigne. He has been involved in a number of academic roles including a Research Scientist at both CNRS and Sorbonne University. He holds a ph.D. in Computer Science from Université Pierre et Marie Curie.

Quantum End-Users and Applications, May 19
Accenture Vertical Sponsor

1:35 pm
Panel 1: Where are the real applications for quantum computing in banking and financial services?

Moderator: David Treat – Senior Managing Director, Accenture

Speaker 1: Steve Flinter — Vice President, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Mastercard Labs Research & Development

Speaker 2: Peter Bordow — SVP & Principal Systems Architect for Advanced Technologies, Wells Fargo

Speaker 3: Marcin Detyniecki — Group Chief Data Scientist & Head of AI Research and Thought Leadership, AXA

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