Inside Quantum Technology

Michele Amoretti, Director Quantum Software Laboratory at the University of Parma, will Speak at IQT the Hague

Michelle Amoretti, Director of the Quantum Software Lab at the University of Parma, will speak at IQT the Hague in 2024 in the Netherlands.

Michelle Amoretti, Director of the Quantum Software Lab at the University of Parma, will speak at IQT the Hague in 2024 in the Netherlands.

Looking ahead to April 2024, the quantum technology community eagerly anticipates the insights and advancements that Michele Amoretti, a distinguished figure in the field, will share at the upcoming Inside Quantum Technology conference in The Hague. As an associate professor of computer engineering at the University of Parma, Italy, Amoretti is poised to present the latest breakthroughs from his cutting-edge research in quantum computing. His role as the head of the Quantum Software Laboratory (QSLab) within the Department of Engineering and Architecture at the University of Parma signifies his deep involvement and significant contributions to the development of quantum software.

In 2024, Amoretti’s ongoing work as the Principal Investigator for the University of Parma’s research unit in the “Quantum Internet Alliance” (QIA) project is expected to be a central topic of discussion. This project, part of the European Union’s Horizon Europe – Quantum Flagship initiative, aims to revolutionize the internet with quantum technologies, offering unprecedented security, computation, and communication speed advancements. Amoretti’s insights into this project will undoubtedly shed light on the potential impacts of quantum technology on global digital infrastructure.

Additionally, Amoretti’s role in the “National Quantum Science and Technology Institute (NQSTI),” funded by the European Union’s Next Generation EU program, will likely be another highlight of his presentation. His involvement in this and other significant projects underscores his crucial role in driving European quantum technology initiatives forward.

Amoretti is also a member of the Italian delegation in CEN/CENELEC’s JTC 22 “Quantum Technologies,” a position that underscores his influence and expertise in the international quantum technology sector. His participation in the 2024 Inside Quantum Technology conference reflects his standing in the quantum community and an opportunity for attendees to gain valuable insights from a leader in the field.

As April 2024 approaches, the quantum technology community is excited about Michele Amoretti’s presentation at the Inside Quantum Technology conference. His leadership, research, and involvement in pivotal European quantum projects and at the University of Parma position him as a key figure in shaping the future of this rapidly evolving and exciting field. His presence at the conference will undoubtedly offer valuable perspectives and stimulate further advancements in quantum technology.

IQT The Hague 2024 is the Netherlands’ fifth global conference and exhibition. The Hague is a Quantum Technology Event focusing on Quantum Networking and Quantum Security. Ten vertical topics encompassing more than 40 panel talks from over 100 speakers will provide attendees with a deep understanding of state-of-the-art developments of the future quantum internet and the current impact of quantum-safe technologies on cybersecurity and quantum computers.

The conference brings together corporate management, entrepreneurs, end users, technology providers, infrastructure partners, researchers, and investors working on current developments. IQT The Hague is organized by 3DR Holdings, IQT Research, QuTech, QIA (Quantum Internet Alliance), and Quantum Delta, who will bring leading organizations and professionals together in this important event. The April conference is “in-person” to ensure maximum networking and discussion at the Postillion Hotel & Convention Centre in The Hague.

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