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Polaris Quantum Biotech Launching Drug Discovery Platform that Could Help Find Drugs for Coronavirus

By IQT News posted 19 Mar 2020

(WralTechWire) Polaris Quantum Biotech (PQB) is coming out of stealth mode to launch a new drug discovery platform with UK-based Fujitsu that could help the global effort to quickly find drugs for coronavirus.
Calling it “ground-breaking,” Polaris says the platform is a combination of quantum-inspired technology, machine learning, hybrid quantum mechanics and molecular mechanics simulations (QM/MM).
The result, its co-founder Dr. Shahar Keinan says, is a new solution that enables significantly faster and cost-effective discovery of de novo lead molecules (repeat identification) that are used for the development of new drugs.
For many diseases the right drug still hasn’t been found, she added, and outbreaks such as the coronavirus are only highlighting the necessity for faster processes to find a cure in our world of global interconnections.
“We identified quantum computing as a technology at an inflection point that can dramatically reduce the cost and time it takes to develop new drugs,” said Keinan, who once served as a post-doctoral fellow at Duke University and also co-founded Cloud Pharmaceuticals.
“We are actively tracking scientific developments with COVID-19 and are pursuing avenues to add our technology to the world-wide efforts to create small molecule drugs to combat this pandemic.”

NOTE: Shahar Keinan, CEO of Polaris Quantum Biotech, Has Agreed to Present “Quantum Technology for Chemistry and the Pharma Industry” July 9 at IQT-NYC

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