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Q-CTRL Announces R&D Partnership with Advanced Navigation

By IQT News posted 10 Jul 2020

(HPC.Wire) Q-CTRL, a startup that applies the principles of control engineering to accelerate the development of quantum technology, announced a global research and technology development partnership with Advanced Navigation, a provider of AI-based navigational hardware.
Q-CTRL and Advanced Navigation entered the partnership in early 2020 in support of their collaborative research and development in quantum-enabled sensing. The two organizations will now be conducting joint technical development in support of both the civilian and defense markets focused on quantum-enhanced precision navigation and timing (PNT).
Quantum sensing is considered one of the most promising areas in the global research effort to leverage the exotic properties of quantum physics for real-world benefit. It is expected to revolutionize PNT through an ability to detect very weak accelerations while maintaining accuracy over long times. Quantum-enabled PNT can, therefore, enable highly precise navigation in commercial and military applications where GPS is unavailable.
Q-CTRL is a pioneer in the field of quantum control engineering which applies the lessons of classical control engineering to stabilize quantum systems against disturbances in their environment, a critical component in bringing quantum sensing to market. The firm is a trusted provider of quantum control solutions across all applications of quantum technology, and has a growing practice in quantum sensing for aerospace and defense.
Advanced Navigation builds ultra-precise, AI-based navigational technologies and robotics for sea, air, land and space across commercial and defense domains. Their team has specialized expertise across a broad range of fields including optical and MEMS-based inertial sensors, GNSS, inertial navigation, RF technologies, acoustics, robotics, AI and algorithms.

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