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Quantum Computing: 3 Job Interview Questions for 2020

By IQT News posted 17 Apr 2020

(EnterprisersProject) As the emerging quantum industry heats up, quantum computing talent will become a highly competitive and lucrative job market, as governments and companies in tech, finance, aerospace, telecommunications, energy, and other crucial industries around the world invest in the space. While large tech companies and government-funded labs will have the advantage when it comes to attracting quantum talent, all organizations with skin in the game will benefit from a thoughtful approach to building quantum talent.
These three interview questions can still help you spot a great candidate for a quantum-focused role.

1. What engineering challenges in the quantum space interest you most?
There is a wider quantum ecosystem evolving around the core hardware challenges that will be key to developing a viable commercial industry.

2. What are you hoping to get out of your work in this role?
It’s important to determine what is driving a candidate to pursue a career in the quantum technology industry. Is it money? Prestige? The ability to build something from the ground up? The intellectual challenge?

3. What specialized skills do you have that lend themselves well to working in the quantum field?
Because specialized quantum talent is in such short supply, candidates with complementary skills are attractive hiring targets.

NOTE: This article co-authored by John Prisco is the President & CEO of Quantum Xchange (@Quantum_Xchange); and Herman Collins, the CEO of StrategicQC, a specialized quantum recruiting firm.

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