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quantum.gov Website Launches as the ‘Home of the National Quantum Initiative’

By IQT News posted 12 Oct 2020

(NextGov.com) A newly unveiled website—quantum.gov deems itself “the home of the National Quantum Initiative” and features news, resources, documents, reports, actions, and other information in one place, chronicling the US government’s quantum pursuits.
In the OSTP announcement, U.S. Chief Technology Officer Michael Kratsios called it “a new digital hub for the growing quantum community to connect with wide-ranging activities underway across the federal government.”
among the quantum-centered archives organized on the site is the latest report the government released, combining a versatile bit of feedback from officials spanning public, private, and academic sectors that honed in specifically on the nation’s quantum-focused strategy.
Information contained in the document was collected through public requests for information, as well as roundtables, workshops and other discussions the National Science and Technology Council Subcommittee on QIS held to inform ongoing initiatives. And the report’s substance echoes the overall nascency of the broader field and work.

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