Inside Quantum Technology

Quantum News Briefs August 5: Breakthrough in quantum light source heralds ultra-secure communication • Spectral Capital Corporation (FCCN) unveils Quantum Bridge program • New research hub at Heriot-Watt aims to develop “near-unhackable” quantum internet • Senator Durbin introduces Department of Energy Quantum Leadership Act • CoinTelegraph calls for ‘cryptophysicists’ in light of recent German quantum breakthrough

IQT News — Quantum News Briefs

Quantum News Briefs takes a look at the latest news and announcements throughout the quantum R&D industry.

News Briefs:

Breakthrough in quantum light source heralds ultra-secure communication

Scientists have developed a new light source that creates super-bright entangled photons as per August news release from BioDesign Research. These photons are crucial for ultra-secure communication in quantum networks. The source combines two technologies to achieve high brightness and entanglement, overcoming the limitations of previous methods. This paves the way for more efficient and secure quantum communication.
A pan-European, Asian, and South American research team has developed a new light source that emits exceptionally bright, entangled photons. (NOTE: This work was supported by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program.) These special pairs of photons are the cornerstone of quantum communication, a revolutionary technology that promises ultra-secure data transmission. Unlike traditional sources, this new device overcomes limitations by achieving high brightness and entanglement, paving the way for more efficient and secure quantum networks.
A light source that can generate entangled photons is crucial for quantum communication. However, existing sources for entangled photons often face limitations. This new research addresses this challenge. The scientists created a unique device integrating a quantum dot with a special light-trapping cavity and a micromachined platform. This allows them to precisely control the properties of the light emitted by the quantum dot. By fine-tuning these properties, they achieved a breakthrough – a source that simultaneously generates bright, entangled photons

Spectral Capital Corporation (FCCN) unveils Quantum Bridge program to propel quantum computing innovations

Spectral Capital Corporation (OTCQB:FCCN), led by Chairman and Board of Director Sean Michael Brehm, announced the launch of its Quantum Bridge Program in a July 31 news release. This initiative is set to accelerate the development and commercialization of quantum computing technologies, bridging the gap between cutting-edge research and real-world applications.
Spectral is a publicly traded technology accelerator specializing in the quantum computing sector
Spectral Capital’s Quantum Bridge Program aims to address these challenges by fostering collaboration and building a robust ecosystem for quantum innovation. The initiative offers a holistic suite of services to startups, including access to funding, expert mentorship, and partnerships with academic institutions and established tech companies. This comprehensive support accelerates research and development efforts, helping startups transition from the lab to the market.
In addition to technical and financial support, the Quantum Bridge Program focuses on public outreach to demystify quantum computing and generate excitement around its potential. By showcasing real-world results and success stories, Spectral Capital aims to build trust and demonstrate the significant value that quantum computing can bring to various industries.

In Other News:

Live Science reports: New research hub aims to develop “near-unhackable” quantum internet

Heriot-Watt University has been chosen to lead a groundbreaking new quantum research hub that aims to develop technologies to progress an ultra-secure ‘quantum internet’ of the future as per Live Science coverage August 4. The Integrated Quantum Networks (IQN) Hub is one of five new quantum technology hubs announced by the UK government as part of a £160 million investment to ensure the UK remains at the forefront of these revolutionary technologies.
The IQN Hub will focus on creating large-scale quantum networks capable of distributing quantum entanglement potentially leading to the development of a secure communications network and therefore an internet free from hacking issues. Another clear motivation for quantum networks is to connect next-generation quantum processors to produce enormous computational power. Furthermore, these quantum networks can eventually be used to connect quantum sensors for ultra-low-noise measurements.
Heriot-Watt’s involvement in quantum research extends beyond the IQN Hub, with the university also playing significant roles in three of the four other newly announced quantum hubs. These include hubs focused on quantum-enabled position, navigation and timing, quantum biomedical sensing, and quantum sensing, imaging, and timing.

WICA reports: “Senator Durbin introduces Department of Energy Quantum Leadership Act”

Sen. Dick Durbin is pushing legislation to conduct more research into the future of quantum science with the U.S. Department of Energy as per Danny Connolly in August 1 WICA Champaign.
Along with Senator Steve Daines (R-MT), Durbin is sponsoring the Department of Energy Quantum Leadership Act, which would authorize more than $2.5 billion to the DOE.
Some of the items in the bill include reauthorizing and expand R&D activities for DOE, increasing interagency and industry coordination, and establishing new programs to support the workforce demands of the growing quantum R&D and commercial ecosystems.
“For the last five years, the Department of Energy has pioneered research into quantum technologies to ensure the United States leads the world in computing, security, and connectivity. And what’s more, Illinois is poised to become a global hub for technology and innovation as quantum computing takes center stage in our state. I want to keep that momentum going,” Durbin said.

CoinTelegraph calls for ‘cryptophysicists’ in light of recent German quantum breakthrough

Breakthrough quantum computing research out of Germany could lead to a revolution in particle physics with implications for finance, economics, and cryptocurrency. It might be time for firms in the crypto industry to add chief science officers and particle physicists to their portfolios according to August 3 article by Tristan Greene, CoinTelegraph futurist and author who covers crypto and quantum.
The engineering and innovation it took to invent blockchain and cryptocurrency are, arguably, analogous to the advent of personal computing and the internet.
Over the past 20 years, however, the tech industry has shifted towards hard science. Perhaps it’s time for crypto to follow suit.
a team of researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics demonstrated a path to quantum advantage and announced in their Aug. 2 paper titled “Quantum advantage and stability to errors in analogue quantum simulators”.
We can apply particle physics to finance by imagining every historical, active, and future transaction as a particle. While this may sound unintuitive, the application of physics solutions to economics problems dates back as far as science. In modern parlance, the term “econophysics” was coined to describe the amalgam in the early 1990s as personal computers began gaining traction.
In the same vein, it’s not difficult to imagine “cryptophysics” rising to prominence as quantum computing matures.


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