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Quantum News Briefs June 10: University of Miami College of Arts and Sciences announces hiring initiative to recruit quantum computing experts • Quandela inaugurates its first manufacturing pilotline for photonic qubit devices• “NSF to pilot test new TRUST Framework in 2025 on proposals related to quantum science” • “Quantum internet breakthrough after ‘quantum data’ transmitted thru standard fiber optic cable”

IQT News — Quantum News Briefs
By Sandra Helsel posted 10 Jun 2024

News Briefs:

University of Miami College of Arts and Sciences announces hiring initiative to recruit quantum computing experts

The University of Miami College of Arts and Sciences has embarked on a hiring initiative to recruit more experts in quantum science according to a recent university news release.

This fall, two new faculty members who specialize in quantum science will join the college: Hebin Li, a physicist who conducts research in quantum computing and quantum sensing, will join the Department of Physics as a full professor, and Stephen Lee, a quantum chemist, will join the Department of Chemistry as an assistant professor.

As part of this hiring initiative, the college plans to recruit additional faculty members over the next few years. The initiative is open to physicists, chemists, biologists, and computer scientists who study quantum computing or quantum sensing.

The college hopes to hire faculty who have complementary research interests so they can collaborate, apply for major grants, and possibly build partnerships with local industry.  The initiative also aims to prepare students for jobs in quantum science and related fields.

Quandela inaugurates its first manufacturing pilotline for photonic qubit devices

Quandela, the European-based quantum computing provider, has inaugurated its first manufacturing pilot line for high-performance photonic qubit devices, aiming to accelerate the deployment of error-corrected quantum computers, according to news release carried by Photonics Online June 5. Following the successful opening of its first quantum computer factory in June 2023, which already enabled the delivery of two quantum computers to industrial customers, this new production site underscores Quandela’s commitment to industrial scaling and innovation in the quantum computing sector.

This is the first manufacturing plant entirely dedicated to such technology worldwide. To build quantum computers at scale, Quandela employs a pioneering approach that combines integrated photonics technology with semiconductor quantum dot-based devices, serving as both spin qubits and photon generators. This technology is rooted in twenty years of top-class scientific research conducted within French telecom laboratories and the French National Research Institute CNRS.

In Other News:

Meritalk reports “NSF to Pilot Test new TRUST Framework in 2025 on Proposals Related to Quantum Science

The National Science Foundation will begin piloting the new TRUST framework in fiscal year 2025 on proposals related to quantum science according to Cate Bergen of Meritalk on June 6. The Trusted Research Using Safeguards and Transparency (TRUST) framework is a new risk mitigation process that will help safeguard U.S. taxpayer investments in research and innovation while strengthening international collaboration, according to NSF.

The TRUST framework – which was required by the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022 – includes three branches. 1) The first focuses on assessing active personnel appointments and positions; 2) the second focuses on identifying instances of noncompliance with disclosure and other requirements; 3) the third branch – the inclusion of potential foreseeable national security considerations – “represents a significant new effort for NSF,” the agency said.

Live Science Reports: “Quantum internet breakthrough after ‘quantum data’ transmitted through standard fiber optic cable for first time”

In Other News: A new quantum computing study conducted at Imperial College London, the University of Southampton, and the Universities of Stuttgart and Wurzburg in Germany claims that a recent finding in the production, storage and retrieval of “quantum data” has brought us one step closer to the quantum internet, according to

The researchers stored and retrieved photons — one of the potential carriers of quantum information — using a new and potentially much more efficient method. Sarah Thomas, professor of physics at Imperial College, London, explained, “It’s been demonstrated many times before that we can store photons from nonlinear optics in a quantum memory because you can engineer the source and memory to match. We used a particular single emitter called a quantum dot, which is a nanocrystal of semiconductors.”

The next challenge is that the efficiency of the interface between quantum memory devices depends on matching both the wavelength and bandwidth.

Tags: NSF, Quandela, quantum internet, U of Miami quantum

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