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Quantum News Briefs June 18: VTT begins search for innovation partner for scaling up Finland’s next quantum computer towards 300 qubits • “Quantum Machines has announced opening of Israeli Quantum Computing Center •

IQT News — Quantum News Briefs

Quantum News Briefs takes a look at the latest news and announcements throughout the quantum R&D industry.

News Briefs:

VTT begins search for innovation partner for scaling up Finland’s next quantum computer towards 300 qubits

The state-owned VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland thus begins a tendering process to look for a partner with whom to begin an innovative co-development project that will scale up the country’s most powerful quantum computer towards 300 qubits according to June 18 news release..
The new public call for tenders covers co-development between VTT and the new innovation partner toward computers with higher qubit numbers and increased performance. With the procurement, VTT strives to strengthen Finland’s leading position in developing quantum technologies.

Related: VTT a Gold Sponsor at IQT Nordics June 24-26

To gain a competitive advantage for Finland in the quantum computing field, VTT will examine, together with the selected partner, whether it is possible to optimize the quantum computer to solve specific types of mathematical problems.

In Other News:

In Other News Venture Beat Reports “Quantum Machines has announced opening of Israeli Quantum Computing Center”

Dean Takahashi of Venture Beat reported on July 17 that Quantum Machines announced the opening of the Israeli Quantum Computing Center (IQCC)
The research facility that will serve the quantum computing industry and academic community in Israel and around the world. The center was built with the financial backing and support of the Israel Innovation Authority and is located at Tel Aviv University.

Quantum Machines the Diamond Day Sponsor at IQT Nordics June 24-26.

Access to cutting-edge facilities is crucial in the global race to develop practical quantum computing, the company said.
A highlight of the IQCC is the first deployment of DGX Quantum, a unified system for quantum-classical computing co-developed by Quantum Machines and Nvidia. The system is tightly integrated with a supercomputing cluster comprised of Nvidia GPUs, and ARM and AMD CPUs, all connected to AWS cloud platforms for remote access and to leverage additional cloud computing resources.

In Other News: SciTechDaily reports on “Developing Japan’s First Cold (Neutral) Atom Quantum Computers”

SciTechDaily on June 17 published a lengthy discussion of  by the National Institute Natural Sciences that provides an in-depth discussion of Japan’s Institute for Molecular Science (IMS), National Institutes of Natural Sciences, has established a “Commercialization Preparatory Platform (PF)” to accelerate the development of novel quantum computers, based on the achievement of a research group led by Prof. Kenji Ohmori. The launch of the PF was made possible by collaboration with 10 industry partners, including companies and financial institutions. The 10 partners that joined the PF include (listed alphabetically): blueqat Inc., Development Bank of Japan Inc., Fujitsu Limited, Groovenauts, Inc., Hamamatsu Photonics K.K., Hitachi, Ltd., and NEC Corporation.
The Ohmori group at the IMS is leading the world in developing the cold (neutral) atom quantum computers. The group has a number of technological advantages and core competencies,[1] including “optical tweezers” and microscope technologies to control a large number of high-quality qubits on a flat surface, and “ultrafast two-qubit gates” that use an ultrafast laser to create a quantum entanglement between two qubits in just 6.5 nanoseconds. In particular, the two-qubit gates represent an important core technology that enables the extraordinary computational speed of quantum computers
In recent years, the “cold (neutral) atom” modality, which uses individual atoms as qubits, has been attracting attention from industry, academia, and governments around the world as a revolutionary new method that combats technical problems facing quantum computers. Another feature of the cold (neutral) atom modality is that it operates at room temperature and does not require any refrigerators, which are necessary for the superconducting qubit and silicon qubit modalities.




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