Inside Quantum Technology

Quantum News Briefs June 3: Qilimanjaro Quantum Tech & HPCNow! Partner to Advance Computational Capabilities • In Other News: Singapore Straits Explains: Why is S’pore investing $700m in quantum computing? • In Other News: MIT News covers MIT & MITRE’s ‘Quantum-System-on-Chip’

IQT News — Quantum News Briefs

Quantum News Briefs takes a look at the latest news and announcements throughout the quantum R&D industry.

News Briefs June 3:

Qilimanjaro Quantum Tech & HPCNow! Partner to Advance Computational Capabilities

Qilimanjaro Quantum Tech, a full-stack quantum computing company, and HPCNow!, a leader in advanced supercomputing services, recently announced a strategic partnership to equip supercomputing centers with Qilimanjaro’s quantum computers. Click here to read May 30  announcement

Both companies recognize the symbiotic relationship between the future of quantum computing and supercomputing, paving the way for great advancements in computational capabilities. This partnership has also been motivated by the increasing interest in Europe in equipping High-Performance Computing Centers with the latest quantum computing technologies.

Qilimanjaro is a full-stack quantum computing company based in Barcelona and founded in 2019 to maximize current technology capabilities to provide a practical quantum advantage. Founded in 2013 in Barcelona by a small group of HPC enthusiasts with a large experience in the HPC ecosystem, HPCNow! has become one of the most versatile players in the HPC field, operating in Spain, New Zealand, and globally.

In Other News:

In Other News: Singapore Straits Explains: Why is S’pore investing $700m in quantum computing?

A $300 million injection, announced on May 30 by Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat, adds to the initial $400 million research and development budget that Singapore’s National Research Foundation has poured into quantum technology since 2002

Singapore Straits’ Tech Editor Irene Tham presented a comprehensive description of the rationale behind Singapore’s increased investment in quantum computing in her July 2 article.

In terms of applications, Tham writes “Its first real-world application could be in chemistry”. Another powerful quantum computing application could speed up the discovery of new materials to address present-day battery woes and lead to the creation of more efficient, safer and greener batteries.

Significantly, S-Times concludes the technology could unlock the power of gen AI since “Quantum computers, which work in similar ways to the human brain’s neural network, are best suited for gen AI tasks that involve understanding the context and nuances of human language”.

In Other News: MIT News covers MIT & MITRE’s ‘Quantum-System-on-Chip’

MIT & MITRE researchers demonstrate modular, scalable hardware architecture for a quantum computer

Researchers at MIT and MITRE have demonstrated a scalable, modular hardware platform that integrates thousands of interconnected qubits onto a customized integrated circuit according to May 29 article on MIT News. This “quantum-system-on-chip” (QSoC) architecture enables the researchers to precisely tune and control a dense array of qubits. Multiple chips could be connected using optical networking to create a large-scale quantum communication network.

By tuning qubits across 11 frequency channels, this QSoC architecture allows for a new proposed protocol of “entanglement multiplexing” for large-scale quantum computing.

The team spent years perfecting an intricate process for manufacturing two-dimensional arrays of atom-sized qubit microchiplets and transferring thousands of them onto a carefully prepared complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) chip. This transfer can now be performed in a single step.



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