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Quantum Tech Pod Episode 21: Quantinuum CEO Ilyas Khan

This episode of the Quantum Tech Pod featured an interview with Neils Bultink, CEO & Co-Founder, Qblox.

Quantum Tech Pod Host Chris Bishop today interviews Quantinuum CEO Ilyas Khan

Ilyas founded CQ in 2014 and is the CEO of Quantinuum, the company created as a result of the merger of Honeywell Quantum Solutions and Cambridge Quantum. He is the Leader in Residence at the University of Cambridge’s Judge Business School where he was instrumental in establishing the highly regarded Accelerate Cambridge programme of investment in early-stage Cambridge-based deep-science technology sector companies. Ilyas was the inaugural Chairman of The Stephen Hawking Foundation, holding the post until 2019. He is also the founding Chairman (non-executive) of the Topos Institute. He is also a fellow of St Edmund’s College,

Quantinuum is a result of the combination of two leaders in the global eco-system for quantum computing: Honeywell Quantum Solutions and Cambridge Quantum. This new investment and business collaboration provides an example of how Quantinuum is poised to accelerate the development of quantum computing and innovation of quantum technologies to deliver real-world quantum-enabled solutions for some of the most intractable problems that classical computers have not been able to solve.

Quantum Tech Pod hopes that our conversation with  will make this an interesting, informative and worthwhile talk for you.

Categories: Podcast


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