A Quick Look at the Beijing Academy of Quantum Science
(BAQIS) Media attention has been focusing on the international race to develop quantum technology. Related, IQT summarized a Washington Post article discussing the competition between the USA and China recently.
Following up, IQT took a quick look at a five-minute promotional video from Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Science (BAQIS). There is only a passing reference to the research categories that will be addressed by BAQIS in the video. The size of the planned institution is what most stands out and is significant with a planned staffing of 1200 scientists.
The mission of BAQIS is to become an “International Platform for Quantum Information Research”. BAQIS is part of China’s National Quantum Action of Quantum Information Research with full support from the government in terms of research spending, lab space and talent programs with favorable policies.
The target size for the research effort at BAQIS is 1200 scientists and engineers with 50 principal investigators heading up teams in 5-10 world class labs.
Scientists and engineers will receive internationally competitive salaries. A government supported International Talents Community Programme will provide attractive housing, excellent healthcare and prestigious education for accompanying children.
Professor Qikun Xue, Vice President of Tsinghua University and the President of BAQIS provides an overview at the close of the five-minute promotional video. President Xue says BAQIS will “,, , resolve major fundamental issues and transform human experience”. He explains the research directions will be in:
*Quantum State of Matter
*Quantum Materials & Devices
*Quantum Computation and Teleportation
*Quantum Metrology
The official representation of BAQIS brings to mind the summary of a recent presentation that was covered in IQT: Should Quantum Tech Be Open, or Government or Military Controlled?