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Restructuring Cybersecurity in the Advent of Quantum Computing

By IQT News posted 23 Jun 2020

(TechRadar) Quantum computing is bound to force major changes to the cybersecurity landscape.
Advancements such as these, however, have resulted in experts debating how the power of quantum will affect the cybersecurity landscape. Research from the Neustar International Security Council (NISC) recently revealed that almost a quarter of security professionals are already experimenting with quantum computing strategies, worried that it will outpace the development of existing security technologies.
Looking ahead, laying the foundations for rebuilding our current overarching cybersecurity approach – including our algorithms, strategies and systems – should be a key priority.
At present, the cybersecurity industry depends on encryption to safeguard devices and personal data. In theory, encryption is possible to crack.
However, encryption’s time as a viable solution is limited. Neustar’s research revealed that nearly three quarters (75%) of cybersecurity professionals expect advances in quantum technology to beat current technologies, such as encryption, within the next five years. Its ability to break encryption techniques such as private key poses a major challenge to the cybersecurity industry.
Planning for quantum requires a careful consideration of its progress. Luckily, most organisations have quantum computing on their radar. In fact, 74% of cybersecurity professionals have admitted to paying close attention to the technology’s development.
Businesses are also required to take note of all encrypted data and make sure it is surrounded by 24/7 monitoring and threat intelligence tools, alongside robust processes. There needs to be a recognition that even though it is impossible for this data to be decrypted currently, advances in quantum computing will mean that it will be vulnerable in future.

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