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Roche and Cambridge Quantum Computing Use Algorithms for Early Alzheimer’s Drug Research

By IQT News posted 02 Mar 2021

(PharmTech) In a recently formed collaboration with Roche, Cambridge Quantum Computing (CQC) will design and implement noisy-intermediate-scale-quantum (NISQ) algorithms for early stage drug discovery and development. The multi-year collaboration will combine the industry expertise of both companies to significantly advance the application of quantum computing to pharmaceutical-relevant problems, with the aim of accelerating the industry closer towards quantum advantage.
The collaboration, formed in late January 2021, will employ CQC’s quantum chemistry platform EUMEN, to augment Roche’s Alzheimer’s Disease research efforts and will be considered a substantive research effort in the field of quantum computing. The collaboration will strive to enable the development of next-generation, quantum-inspired therapeutics.

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