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Singapore CQT Seeking Players for Quantum Game Photons 2

By Admin posted 08 Apr 2020

(QuantumLab.org) The Centre for Quantum Technologies in Singapore is seeking players and their feedback for an educational puzzle featuring the first levels of the Quantum Game with Photons 2. The Quantum Game with Photons 2 features cute quantum components that follow accurate physics. The first batch of levels are ready to play, with more to come. Players also get the opportunity to design their own challenges.
The whole game has been made open source here at GItHub. The team hopes to build a community around the project that will find new applications for their code and artwork.
Piotr Migdał, who led the game team, wanted to create a playful environment for people to explore quantum phenomena. “The world of quantum is so small. There is no way in daily life to create an environment to simulate the quantum world and let people play with that. This game is like lego blocks for quantum physics. Everyone can play it without knowing quantum physics.”
Piotr is a former theoretical physicist who now works in data science. He launched the original Quantum Game with Photons back in 2016 along with a few collaborators. CQT’s Director Artur Ekert was impressed by the project and invited Piotr to bring a team to CQT to further develop the game – Artur’s instruction: “All I want is the coolest quantum game in the known multiverse, please!”
The team envisions many purposes for the new Quantum Game, from being a fun puzzle game that anyone can play, to a tool for teaching and learning about quantum mechanics.
Quantum Game with Photons 2 is a drag and drop puzzle game. Players clear a level when they manage to direct photons to the photon detectors (represented by the Venus flytrap) according to the level requirements. At the initial levels, players must just direct the photon to avoid the rock, but there are currently 31 challenges of increasing complexity. Some represent well-known quantum experiments, such as level 10, which lets players construct their own interferometer.
As the game goes on, players get to fiddle with a wider variety of elements, including beamsplitters and polarisation rotators (represented by cocktails, since sugar has the property of rotating light). Other elements include mines that lie in wait. Just a little bit of light is enough to set them off, so beware!

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