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Toshiba, Classiq align to evaluate gate-based quantum computing

By Dan O'Shea posted 12 Jun 2023

Toshiba Digital Solutions and Classiq have agreed to collaborate on efforts around gate-based quantum computing, with Toshiba initially planning to conduct a technical evaluation of quantum Ai and more using Classiq’s software before the partnership potentially could advance to use case exploration.

Toshiba noted that while Ising-based quantum machines specialize in solving combinatorial optimization problems, gate-model computers as they mature will open up the potential to apply quantum computing to more general-purpose applications in fields such as AI (machine learning), optimization, and simulation. Classiq’s software for gate-based quantum computers could help Toshiba get ready for that eventuality.

Toshiba has done a great deal of work in the area of Quantum Key Distribution and with its Simulated Quantum-Inspired Bifurcation Machine, and also has applied a variety of AI technologies to a number of industrial sectors.

After the initial, technical evaluation, and based on the results of that phase, Toshiba “will explore various use cases that the gate-based quantum computing will enable to solve in the field of energy, social infrastructure, smart manufacturing, carbon neutrality, and circular economy, etc,” Tohsiba stated. Classiq will support this use case exploration and optimize the platform for these industrial use cases.

Shunsuke Okada, President and CEO of Toshiba Digital Solutions Corporation said, “We are excited to have the opportunity of technology collaboration with Classiq. We will create new value through QX (Quantum Transformation) together by combining the Classiq platform and Toshiba Group’s quantum technology, AI, and IT knowledge cultivated over many years.”

Dan O’Shea has covered telecommunications and related topics including semiconductors, sensors, retail systems, digital payments and quantum computing/technology for over 25 years.

Categories: quantum computing

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A researcher holds a low-power spintronics semiconductor prototyped at the Center for Innovative Integrated Electronic Systems at Tohoku University in Japan.