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U of Delaware Researcher Receives NSF Grant to Explore Quantum Devices to Detect Astrophysical Phenomena

By IQT News posted 08 Oct 2019

(UDel.edu) Swati Singh, an assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at the University of Delaware, recently received a $245,532 grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to identify and explore the promise and limitations of using state-of-the-art quantum devices to detect astrophysical phenomena.
Singh has been studying quantum science since she was 18. She was intrigued by the subject in her undergraduate physics courses at McMaster University, and after spending a summer in a research laboratory, she felt inspired to learn the math behind the quantum behavior she observed. “Understanding the nature of dark matter is one of the biggest fundamental science problems for my generation,” said Singh. “So is pushing quantum mechanics to objects much bigger than atoms and molecules.”
Quantum science and engineering is an area of growth at UD. The University is expanding its Quantum Science and Engineering research program and seeks to fill three faculty positions this year, two in the Department of Physics and Astronomy and another in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering.

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