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World Quantum Day April 14

By Sandra Helsel posted 14 Apr 2022

(WorldQuantumDay) The World Quantum Day is an initiative from quantum scientists from 65+ countries.

The World Quantum Day aims at engaging the general public in the understanding and discussion of Quantum Science and Technology, namely:

  • how it helps us understand Nature at its most fundamental level,
  • how it helped us develop technologies that are crucial for our life today,
  • and how it can lead to future scientific and technological revolutions, and how these can impact our society.

It is a decentralized and bottom-up initiative, inviting all quantum scientists, engineers, educators, communicators, entrepreneurs, technologists, historians, philosophers, artists, and their organizations, to organize their own activities, such as outreach talks, exhibitions, lab tours, panel discussions, debates, interviews, etc., to celebrate the World Quantum Day around the World.

Watch the World Quantum Day Video here

Sandra K. Helsel, Ph.D. has been researching and reporting on frontier technologies since 1990.  She has her Ph.D. from the University of Arizona.


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