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Singapore Awards Seven New Grants Under ‘Quantum Engineering Program’

(StraitsTimes) Singapore's National Research Foundation (NRF) has awarded seven projects grants under the national Quantum Engineering Programme (QEP). The projects were chosen...

February 19, 2019 | By IQT News

Senator Schumer Supports SUNY Poly’s Bid for ‘National Center of Quantum Research & Education’

(WIBX950) U.S. Senator Charles Schumer is throwing his support behind SUNY Poly's planned bid to be named one of several new "National Centers of Quantum Science Research and...

February 19, 2019 | By IQT News

SeeQC.EU Establishes Superconducting Quantum Technology R&D Labs at the University of Naples

(HPCWire) SeeQC.EU, in close collaboration with Department of Physics of University of Naples Federico II, has established R&D laboratories at the Monte Sant’Angelo campus. Work...

February 19, 2019 | By IQT News

Controlling the Coherence of a Diamond Spin Qubit Could Lead to Scalable Quantum Networks

(NewsWise.com) Quantum networks could change how we produce and send data. Creating such networks requires generating single phonons—the vibrational motion that characterizes...

February 19, 2019 | By IQT News

Top-10 Lineup of Quantum Tech Startups, Funding, Executives & Differentiators

(NetworkWorld) A top-10 lineup of quantum tech startups is presented here against the backdrop of 2019 looking like it could be an inflection-point year for turning quantum...

February 18, 2019 | By IQT News

The Explainer: What is Quantum Communication?

(TechnologyReview) Researchers and companies are creating ultra-secure communication networks that could form the basis of a quantum internet. "The Explainer", Martin Giles is...

February 18, 2019 | By IQT News

QKD Effectiveness Demonstrated for Electric Grid Security

(Phys.org) A team of researchers from the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge and Los Alamos National Laboratories has partnered with EPB, a Chattanooga utility and...

February 18, 2019 | By IQT News

Ability to Manipulate Quantum Interference to Open Door to New Nanoelectronic Devices

(ScienceDaily) A new breed of electronic devices, bearing unique properties, is being developed by Nongjian "NJ" Tao, Director of the Biodesign Center for Bioelectronics and...

February 18, 2019 | By IQT News

Save!! Register for “The Future of Quantum Computing, Quantum Cryptography and Quantum Sensors” for Early Bird Pricing

(IQT.Summit.Boston) Register before February 20 to secure the early bird pricing for this important quantum technology event in Boston to be held at the Hynes Convention Center,...

February 15, 2019 | By IQT News

DigiCert & Utimaco Collaborate with Microsoft to Secure the Future of IoT from Quantum Computing Threats

(IoTforAll) DigiCert, Inc., a leading provider of TLS/SSL, IoT and PKI solutions; Utimaco, one of the world’s top three Hardware Security Module providers; and Microsoft Research,...

February 15, 2019 | By IQT News

IBM Australia’s Research Arm Reveals ‘Quantum IoT’ Project

(ITNews.au) IBM Australia’s research arm is set to venture into “quantum IoT", saying the project fell “into exciting area of making sense out of large amounts of data stemming...

February 15, 2019 | By IQT News

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