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Federal Efforts Underway in Quantum Computing

(NextGov) Quantum computing promises to fast-forward federal problem-solving into new levels of efficiency and productivity. The federal government has expressed interest in the...

December 19, 2018 | By IQT News

Quantum Annealing Computers for Training Artificial Neural Networks

(TowardsDataScience) The future of quantum computing and artificial intelligence are hopelessly entangled thanks to quantum algorithms. This is because quantum annealing succeeds...

December 19, 2018 | By IQT News

Quantum Cryptography A Solution for Secure Data Transmission

(InformationAge) Dr. Andrew Shields, Cambridge Research Laboratory of Toshiba Research Europe, believes quantum computing will render much of today's encryption unsafe, but...

December 18, 2018 | By IQT News

‘Beyond Weird’ by Philip Ball Wins Physics World Book of 2018

(PhysicsWorld) The winner of the 2018 Physics World Book of the Year is "Beyond Weird: Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Quantum Physics is Different" by Philip Ball....

December 18, 2018 | By IQT News

Time to Formulate Ethics in the Quantum Computing Field?

(Gizmodo) EeroQ is a startup hoping to begin the conversation around ethics in the quantum computing field.  The founders of EeroQ recently launched the website QcEthics.org and...

December 18, 2018 | By IQT News

Researchers Announce Approach for Quantum Key Distribution Scaled to Larger Number of Users

(Nature) Quantum key distribution has reached the level of maturity required for deployment in real-world scenarios. It has previously been shown to operate alongside classical...

December 18, 2018 | By IQT News

Now is the Time to Reengineer Cryptography in Advance of Quantum Computing

(Fortune) Future iterations of quantum computers will be able to solve mathematical problems ordinary computers have no hope of computing and open as yet unexplored frontiers for...

December 17, 2018 | By IQT News

IonQ’s ‘Trapped Ion Quantum’ Computing Outperforms Current Competitor Efforts

(TechSpot) IonQ was founded on the concept that 'trapped ion quantum' computing could outperform the silicon-based quantum computers that Google and others are building. The...

December 17, 2018 | By IQT News

Research Team’s Breakthrough for Room Temperature Quantum Optomechanics

(InterestingEngineering) Researchers from the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands and the University of Vienna in Austria have developed a new way of both...

December 17, 2018 | By IQT News

Quatum Chemical Calculations on Quantum Computers

(ScienceDaily) For the first time, a new quantum algorithm has been implemented for quantum chemical calculations on quantum computers; giving exact solutions of Schroedinger...

December 17, 2018 | By IQT News

U.S. Intelligence Sees AI & Quantum Computing as Possible National Security Threats

(TechCrunch) Several key agencies in the U.S. intelligence community see technologies like encryption, autonomous and unmanned systems, AI and quantum computing rank at the top of...

December 14, 2018 | By IQT News

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