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Breakthrough Neural Network Paves Way for Tomorrow’s AI + Quantum Machines

(NextWeb) Another review of the Italian researcher that recently developed the first functioning quantum neural network by running a special algorithm on an actual quantum...

November 21, 2018 | By IQT News

Why Everyone Can — and Should — Learn About Quantum Mechanics

(Salon.com) Dr. Scott Bembenek provides a lengthy discussion of quantum mechanics and its early researchers and their theories. The premise of the article is that "Quantum...

November 20, 2018 | By IQT News

US Department of Energy Backing Unshackable Quantum Network in Chicago

(Computing.co.uk) The US Department of Energy is backing a plan by scientists to create a network to be built in Chicago that will prove that quantum physics could provide the...

November 20, 2018 | By IQT News

Silicon Quantum Computing Seeking to Commercialize Quantum Computer with IP from CQC2T in Australia

(NextBigFuture) Silicon Quantum Computing Pty. Ltd. (SQC) is working to create and commercialize a quantum computer based on world-leading intellectual property acquired from the...

November 20, 2018 | By IQT News

BlackBerry Acquires Cybersecurity Vendor Cylance for $1.4 Billion

(E-Week) BlackBerry confirmed on Nov. 16 that it is acquiring cyber-security vendor Cylance for $1.4 billion in cash. Cylance is best known for its suite of endpoint detection and...

November 20, 2018 | By IQT News

Understanding Quantum Gravity Via Holographic Duality Called ‘AdS-CFT Correspondence’

(Quanta.org) Thomas Lin, Editor-in-Chief of Quanta magazine discusses one relatively recent approach to understanding quantum gravity that makes use of a “holographic duality”...

November 19, 2018 | By IQT News

Bohr’s Contribution to Quantum Mechanics Feted on 56th Anniversary of His Passing

(InterestingEngineering) Few scientists have made as much impact on the modern world as Niels Bohr. In honor of the 56th anniversary of his passing, this article delves into his...

November 19, 2018 | By IQT News

Quantum Computing, Not AI, Will Define the Future

(TechCrunch) Quantum computers will be useful in advancing solutions to challenges in diverse fields such as energy, finance, healthcare, aerospace, among others. Their...

November 19, 2018 | By IQT News

Machine Learning Meets Quantum Computing & Processes Simple Images

(TechnologyReview) Francesco Tacchino and colleagues at the University of Pavia in Italy have built the world’s first perceptron implemented on a quantum computer and then put it...

November 19, 2018 | By IQT News

Breakthrough Research in Austria May Enable Teleportation of Complex Quantum Systems

(Phys.org) Scientists from the University of Vienna and the Austrian Academy of Sciences have broken new ground. They sought to use more complex quantum systems than...

November 16, 2018 | By IQT News

QLabs CEO Discusses Approaches to Cybersecurity for Quantum Computing

(ZDNet) CEO of Australian quantum cybersecurity firm QuintessenceLabs (QLabs) Vikram Sharma recently detailed the plan of the global security industry as it prepares for the...

November 16, 2018 | By IQT News

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