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Rigetti’s Quantum Cloud Services Will Feature Access to Hybrid Systems–Quantum Processors and Traditional Servers

(Forbes.com) Rigetti's achievements in cloud-based quantum access are numerous. After months of announcing advances in quantum processors, Rigetti Computing announced in September...

November 15, 2018 | By IQT News

Feynman Foresaw Harnessing Quantum Mechanics to Produce New Kind of Computing

(BloombergNews) Nobel Prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman was the first to suggest that the mind-bending properties of quantum mechanics could be harnessed to make a new kind...

November 15, 2018 | By IQT News

Transportable Quantum Accelerator Could Replace GPS’s Dependence on Satellite Signals

(ZDNet) Scientists from Imperial College London and UK laser instrument maker M Squared have demonstrated a way to measure how super-cooled atoms respond when inside an...

November 14, 2018 | By IQT News

Ford Motor is ‘Early in the Game’ with Quantum Computing

(WSJ.com) Ford Motor Co. has been experimenting with quantum computing platform with an eye to future use for optimization of driving routes and improving the structure of...

November 14, 2018 | By IQT News

Toshiba Announces Quantum Key Distribution Speed Five Times Faster than Previous Record

(IEEESpectrum) One advanced method of cryptographic protection of sensitive information close to commercialization is quantum key distribution (QKD). Recently, Toshiba and Tohoku...

November 14, 2018 | By IQT News

‘Breakfast with Einstein’ Provides Insights into Quantum Phenomena–Both in Daily Life and Einstein’s Career

(Forbes.com) The author of "Breakfast with Einstein" discusses new book that describes the ways in which quantum phenomena manifest in the course of ordinary morning activities....

November 14, 2018 | By IQT News

BT Researching Quantum Key Distribution to Protect Fiber-Optic Cables

(Forbes) Britain's telecommunications giant BT has been researching quantum communications for several years in the effort to keep data on ultra-secure on fiber-optic cables. The...

November 13, 2018 | By IQT News

Australian Team Demos Integrated Silicon Qubit Platform that Also Corrects Errors

(TechnologyNetworks) An Australian research team led by Scientia Professor Andrew Dzurak of UNSW Sydney, has experimentally realized a crucial combination of these capabilities on...

November 13, 2018 | By IQT News

Researchers Demo a Long Conduction Electron Spin Lifetime at Room Temp By Using Mothball Ingredient Napthalene

(TheConversation) Quantum devices using atomically heavy materials such as silicon or metals need to be cooled to low temperatures near absolute zero to for robust electron spin...

November 13, 2018 | By IQT News

Quantum Tech Pioneer Calls for Education and Training of Future Quantum Workforce

(TechnologyReview) The US needs a new generation of engineers schooled in the quirks of quantum physics as well as the principles of computer engineering to help create quantum...

November 12, 2018 | By IQT News

New Theory Proposes ‘Quantum Atmosphere” May Reveal Secrets of Material It Surrounds

(QuantaMagazine) Frank Wilczek, a physicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and winner of the 2004 Nobel Prize in Physics, recently posted a new paper with Stockholm...

November 12, 2018 | By IQT News

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