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Zurich Instruments Launches First Commercial Quantum Computing Control System

(StartUpTicker) Zurich Instruments has now launched one of the necessary building blocks of quantum computing. The Zurich Instruments Quantum Computing Control System (QCCS) is...

November 5, 2018 | By IQT News

Microsoft Adds New Features to Quantum Development Kit

(WinBuzzer.com) Microsoft has been adding new features and abilities to its Quantum Development Kit. developer programming tool. The latest functionality coming to the service...

November 5, 2018 | By IQT News

Research Indicating Successful Entanglement with “Schrödinger’s Bacterium”

(ScientificAmerican) A new paper from a group led by the quantum physicist Chiara Marletto at the University of Oxford is claiming successful entanglement of bacteria with...

November 5, 2018 | By IQT News

Proof that Quantum Computers Outperform Classical Computers

(TechCrunch) Sergey Bravyi of IBM Research, David Gosset of the University of Waterloo’s Institute for Quantum Computing and Robert König of the Institute for Advanced Study and...

November 5, 2018 | By IQT News

Silicon Quantum Chips Powered by Qubits May Bring Quantum Computers to the Masses

(FastCompany) The quantum computer of the future will be more than just a quantum processor, in the same way that today’s computer is more than just a microprocessor. The...

November 1, 2018 | By IQT News

China Launching ‘Megaproject’ to Achieve Breakthroughs in Quantum Science

(ForeignAffairs) China has launched a “megaproject” for quantum communications and computing. This article discusses China’s planned trajectory in quantum science--an effort that...

November 1, 2018 | By IQT News

U of Sussex Reducing the Environmental ‘Noise’ Effect on Quantum Computers

(Phys.org) The University of Sussex's Ion Quantum Technology Group has managed to address one of the biggest problems facing quantum computing: how to reduce the disruptive...

November 1, 2018 | By IQT News

Blackberry Announces ‘Quantum Resistant’ Code to Thwart Hacks by Future Quantum Computers

(VentureBeat) BlackBerry announced what it claims is “quantum-resistant” code signing to its lineup of cryptography tools. As scientists and corporations seek to turn quantum...

November 1, 2018 | By IQT News

The Race to Dominate Quantum Computing’s ‘Gilded’ and Subsequent ‘Golden’ Age

(Economist) Quantum computing, which holds the promise of outclassing even the world’s fastest supercomputers, has huge potential. This Economist overview clearly delineates why...

October 24, 2018 | By IQT News

Bleximo Raises $15 Million for Quantum Computing Accelerators

(TechCrunch) Bleximo, a startup building quantum-based application-specific integrated circuits, announced 9/25 that it has raised $1.5 million in a seed round led by Eniac...

October 24, 2018 | By IQT News

US House Approves National Quantum Initiative Act

(HPCWire) The U.S. House of Representatives has passed the National Quantum Initiative Act (NQIA) to accelerate quantum computing research and development. Bipartisan support from...

October 24, 2018 | By IQT News

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