Quantum Technology Industry Report 2024

Report: IQT-QTIR2024-0524
Published: May, 2024

IQT’s Quantum Technology Industry Report 2024 is the second annual publication to provide the latest information you need to stay informed and expand your knowledge of the rapidly evolving quantum technology industry. Covering quantum cybersecurity, quantum sensors, and quantum networks as well as quantum computing itself, this annual report provides a thorough understanding of quantum technology from the latest testbeds, developments in market-driven applications, all the way to commercial software and hardware products trends.

Table of Contents
Why does the Quantum Industry Need this Report?
What is Quantum Technology?
The Importance of Being a Qubit
Plan of this Report
Research Methodology Used
Full-stack Quantum Computers
The QPU Business
The Many Ways to Quantum Computing: Technology Developments Worldwide
The IQT Ten: Ten Companies that Matter In Quantum Computing
Quantum Inspired and Quantum Hybrid Systems
Quantum Computing and Pharmaceuticals
Quantum Computing and Advanced Materials
Quantum Computing in the Automotive Industry
Quantum in the Aerospace Industry
Defense and National Security
Quantum and the Financial Services Industry
Ten-year Forecasts of Quantum Computing in Financial Services
Planning and Implementing Quantum Computing in the Enterprise
Coda: The Future of Quantum Computing: Quantum Advantage
Quantum AI: Current State of the Art
GPUs and QPUs
New Product Development with Quantum AI
Searching Huge Databases
Quantum AI Optimization
Advantages of Quantum over Classical in an AI Environment
Implementing Quantum AI
Cybersecurity: When will the Quantum Threat Arrive?
Cybersecurity Policy Considerations in the U.S.
QKD + PQC + QNG: Emerging Techno-strategies for Quantum Cybersecurity
Quantum Key Distribution
PQC Cybersecurity Standards and Products
PQC: Software Hardware and Services
An Introduction to Quantum Networking
Quantum Repeaters
The Evolution of Quantum Networks
Quantum Network Market Forecast
Quantum Networks in the U.S.
Quantum Networks in China
Quantum Networks in Europe
The Coming of the Quantum Internet
The Quantum Internet-of-Things
The Quantum Sensor Sector in 2023 and beyond
Quantum Sensor Market Forecast and Drivers
Chip-scale Atomic Clocks
Quantum Magnetometers
Quantum Light Detectors
Quantum Gravimeters, etc.
Quantum Sensors in Transportation and Navigation
Quantum Sensors in Construction, Surveying and the Oil and Gas Industries
Quantum-enhanced Imaging in the Healthcare Segment
Quantum Sensors in Defense
Major Influencers on the Quantum Sensor Business
Dilution Refrigerators: Latest Developments
Control Electronics and Cables: A Growing Opportunity
Microwave and Optical Components
Buying in or Making Components
Quantum Materials
Venture Quantum
Public Companies and the Rise of SPACs
A Quantum Funding Winter?
Quantum Funding Alternatives
The Quantum Workforce
Why Start Now for Future Quantum Technology?
What Skills Are Needed for a Quantum Workforce?
The Role of Industrial Training
Training from Professional Societies and Related Organizations
Quantum Vendor-based Training
Universities and Quantum Centers
How to Create a Quantum Workforce
Executive Education: Do CEOs Need to Know About Quantum?
Quantum Technology: Policy and Politics
Introduction: Quantum and Sino-American Relations
Quantum in Canada
Russia, Quantum and the Ukraine War
The U.K., New Quantum Funding and Brexit
Switzerland and Quantum
Pan-European and European National Programs
Quantum Technology In Japan
Quantum in South Korea
Appendix One: Recommended Reading and Other Information Sources
Appendix Two: Author Biography
List of Exhibits
Exhibit 1-1: Eight-year Forecast of the Quantum Technology Market ($ Millions)
Exhibit 1-2: A Map of Quantum Technology: Sectors, Subsectors and Status
Exhibit 1-3: Selected Recent Advances in Error Correction/Fault Tolerant Quantum Computing
Exhibit 2-1: Components of a Full-stack Quantum Computer
Exhibit 2-2: Comparative Analysis of Quantum Computer Qubits and Fidelity
Exhibit 2-3: Quantum Computer Technologies
Exhibit 2-4: Ten Quantum Computer Firms to Watch
Exhibit 2-5: Applications of Quantum Computing in Banking and Financial Services
Exhibit 2-6: Expenditures on Quantum Computers by Types of Financial User ($ Millions)
Exhibit 2-7: Evolution of Quantum Computing in the Enterprise
Exhibit 4-1: Expenditures on Quantum Cybersecurity by Type of Technology ($ Millions)
Exhibit 4-2: Six Factors Shaping the Worldwide QKD Sector
Exhibit 4-3: NSA Perspectives and Counterviews
Exhibit 4-4: PQC Algorithms Chosen by NIST in 2022
Exhibit 4-5: PQC Software Opportunities
Exhibit 4-6: QRNG Opportunities by End-user Market
Exhibit 4-7: QRNG Opportunities By End-user Market
Exhibit 4-8: Five Factors Shaping the QRNG Sector
Exhibit 5-1: Three Generations of Quantum Repeater (QR) Development
Exhibit 5-2: Timetable for the Evolution of Quantum Networks
Exhibit 5-3: Expenditures for Quantum Networking Systems by Type and Products Used ($ Millions) (1)
Exhibit 5-4: Notable Chinese Quantum Networking Achievements
Exhibit 6-1: Quantum Sensing Technologies by Industrial Sector
Exhibit 6-2: Summary of Eight-year Forecasts of Quantum Sensor Markets, by Type of Sensor ($ Millions)
Exhibit 6-3: Use of Quantum Sensors for Enhanced Imaging in the Healthcare Sector
Exhibit 7-1: Technology Approaches to CryoChips
Exhibit 10-1: The Pillars of the European Quantum Program

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2024 Edition

Quantum Technology Industry Report 2024

Quantum Technology Industry Report 2024:
Trends, Perspectives, Forecasts

GET YOUR 2024 EDITION pre-publication offer: regular price $695; order before April 15, 2024 publication and save over 30% (pay $485)

Quantum Technology Industry Report 2024 features the latest information you need to stay informed and expand your knowledge of the constantly evolving quantum computing and technology worlds.

The 2nd annual report takes a deep dive into the growth and developments of the quantum computer and technology industry. This highly anticipated report provides, insights, market analysis and expert forecasts to help you navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of quantum computers and applied applications.

The report consists of eight chapters covering:

  • Quantum computing and QPUs – there are now over 80 companies building such products and examples of where quantum computers are outperforming classical computation in certain applications
  • Quantum cybersecurity – with NIST and other organizations around the world preparing new encryption algorithms to protect against quantum attacks a vibrant market for post-quantum communications is emerging
  • Quantum Communications and the Quantum Internet – After years of being a “science project,” this area is attracting the interest of some of the biggest players in the telecom equipment industry as well as start-ups with their eyes on advanced networking technologies such as quantum repeaters
  • Quantum sensors – quantum sensors have finally outgrowth their PAR routes with large companies viewing them as a market opportunity and new applications for quantum sensors beginning to grow beyond magnetometers
  • Quantum system materials and components – we are still at the earliest stage of practical quantum technology . Which materials have the biggest revenue potential going forward?
  • Funding for the quantum technology industry – are venture capitalists still interested in quantum or has the quantum winter finally set in? Will government funding be enough to keep up rapid growth in the quantum field?
  • The quantum workforce – training and course for quantum technicians and quantum executives
  • The International quantum technology perspective – where is the quantum space race between the US and China headed? What is the future of all those national quantum programs slated in the developed countries.

Anyone with serious interest in quantum computers and technology should be reading Quantum Technology Industry Report. There is no better annual resource for anyone in the business and development of quantum computers and applied technologies. QTIR is the industry bible. (single user and enterprise licenses available)

Additional information: info@insidequantumtechnology.com

Get the leading resource on the quantum computing & quantum technology industry

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Telephone: 888-384-7144

Email: info@insidequantumtechnology.com

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